Friday, April 11, 2008

hide and seek

so, i have to brag....  it's been one of those weeks where rudy's working nights and i'm working days, so our quality time is minimal. i'm an independent girl, and i love some alone time, but  i'll admit, there are some days that i get a little emotional (ok, probably a little whiny too) and have my pity party about missing my best friend.  knowing i had had "one of those days" yesterday, i got home tonight and found a mysterious note on the door.  my sweet hubby took me on a 10 clue scavenger hunt through the house with each clue telling me something he loved about me or something he loved about spending time together.  my final prize was a bosu balance trainer (no it wasn't a subtle hint to get back in pre-wedding shape, i'd been eyeing for a while).  

although i'm really excited about the bosu (which stands for BOth Sides Up), i was MOST excited about the game, reading the notes, and knowing the time he spent to put it together and that he was thinking about me all day.  there i was, alone in our house, giggling like a little girl.  isn't it amazing what someone else's thoughtfulness can do for your attitude?
what are some surprises you have done for your significant others or that they have done for you?

Thursday, April 10, 2008

blue like jazz and stuff

so, this blogging thing is harder than it looks.  it's hard keeping up with everyone else's blog, much less mine!  . 

so here's a quick look at march for us
- we went to hot springs, AR where rudy gave his first professional presentation.  he was awesome!  i was so proud of him.  he worked really  hard to prepare and seemed so
 comfortable up there.  we got to stay at the historical
 arlington hotel right next to the "al capone" room.  we got massages and had fun just spending time together.  

- we left and drove straight to nashville and got to see BB King himself in concert at the Ryman Hotel.  we had given my dad tickets for his birthday and my parents, craig, rudy, and i all got to go.  bb was amazing!  he's 82 years old and can still dance better than i ever thought about ( i know that's not saying a lot).  he was so entertaining.  i would love to sit and just listen to him and his band sit around telling stories. (Speaking of blues and jazz, donald miller, author of blue like jazz, is going to be speaking at hope prebyterian on saturday, april 12th.  tickets are $20 and go to habitat for hope.  go to www.

- we've also been training for the rock and roll half-marathon in nashville.  here's a picture of the mississippi river where we usually run.  typically, we run right beside the 2nd row of trees - now half-way underwater.  the water level is up so high.  they closed the back road into our neighborhood b/c it was flooded.  it's going down now though.

- please pray for ethan powell's family.  his link is to the left.